Vision Statement

What we believe

We believe that every Christian has a part to play in what God is doing in our city and in the world today. So our goal is to help each person and each family here at Presence Church grow in their faith in Jesus so you are equipped for the role that God has for you because “YOU are the greatest Christian that somebody knows”

We believe that God will place all of us in the path of people who need Jesus and we may be the only person that is uniquely able to tell them about Jesus or to pray with them! So that “doing the stuff that Jesus did” becomes a normal daily practice in our lives!

Everything here, from worship to discipleship to sermons, happens with the goal of getting us ready to minister to others.

Here at Presence Church there is no paid staff. We are led by a Pastoral team made up of couples who have jobs, businesses and families just like you.

We believe that “if you are about the Lord’s business, He will be about your business”.   as we invest our lives and resources into serving the Lord, He will, at the same time, be working in our families, jobs and businesses.

Because we have no paid staff, all of our tithes and offerings go directly into the ministries of this church and to our mission partners who preach the gospel and plant churches around the world.

Acts 2 is our blueprint for Presence Church. We strive to be a church filled with the Holy Spirit, preaching the gospel, devoted to the Word, prayer, fellowship, unity, meeting needs, and worship.

Since we are led by a Pastoral team, you will hear from a different part of our Pastoral team each week and they will bring their own style and story, but each message will present a clear Bible truth that you can take away each week to help you grow in the Lord.